November 5, 2024 is an important date in the United States: Election Day. Not only are there several local and state elections taking place, but also the presidential election, which will determine the commander-in-chief for the next four years.
Have you registered to vote? And how will you be voting this November? Below is a comprehensive guide to voting.
In the state of New York, you can register to vote online as long as you have a legal ID (driver’s license, permit, or non-driver ID), a ZIP code currently on record with the DMV, and your social security number. Other requirements include being an 18 year-old U.S. citizen and a resident of the state for at least 30 days before the election.
Many people register to vote when they get their driver’s license. If you are unsure if you are already registered in NY, you can check here.
If you are not registered, you can fill out the registration form online at If you have not previously made an account on the website, you will need to do so. You must register to vote by October 26th.
Next, you must decide your method of voting. If you are able to vote in-person, the address you registered with will determine what poll site you should go to on Nov. 5th. If you are unsure of where that may be, you can check here.
But many college students either do not live close enough to our poll site, or may be unable to go there due to scheduling conflicts. In this case, you should request for an absentee ballot to be mailed to you ahead of election day. Any registered voter can do so, though it is important to note that if you send in your absentee ballot, you may not also vote in-person on Election Day.
To request an absentee ballot, go to the request a ballot page on and fill out the application by Oct. 21st. Once you receive the ballot in the mail, read the instructions carefully to make your vote, and then you can mail it in. Please note that it must be postmarked by or no later than Election Day on Nov. 5th, or else your vote may not count. If you do not wish to mail it in, you may bring it to a poll site in the appropriate county on election day, or bring it to an early voting poll site between Oct. 26th and Nov. 3rd.
Are you from out of state? You can probably still register to vote and get your absentee ballot, just look up the requirements and process for your home state on the state government’s official website. Additionally, websites such as have information for all states about registration and absentee/mail-in ballots. Each state has different guidelines, so be sure to double-check the deadlines for registering and requesting absentee.
Happy voting!